Degrees of Freedom Blog
Our blog discusses the swings and roundabout of professional life. From academic nonsense, to career changes, and insight into everything in-between.

Rejection: Your Unwanted Academic Best Friend
Rejection is an inevitable part of academic life. So, you have to get used to it. In this blog, I discuss rejection, some positives of it, and how to deal with it.

Metrics Rule Everything Around Me
In academia, metrics are omnipresent. They can dictate funding decisions, job prospects, and even the perceived value of one's research. So, you need to understand them. This blog is aimed at contextualising the common metrics that academics are measured on.

Reading Papers: A Cheat’s Method for the Busy Academic
Reading academic publications can suck – but you cannot avoid it. Today, we chat methods to maximise your engagement with the literature.

How to Upskill During Your Degree
Worried about how to get a job after your degree? Not sure how your skills will translate to the job market? Learn about some ways you can upskill whilst completing your degree and make yourself stand out.

Welcome to the blog!
An introduction to Degrees of Freedom Careers, what we do and why we do it.